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Order of the manifest resources applied through Harness

  1. Namespace
  2. ResourceQuota
  3. LimitRange
  4. PodSecurityPolicy
  5. Secret
  6. ConfigMap
  7. StorageClass
  8. PersistentVolume
  9. PersistentVolumeClaim
  10. ServiceAccount
  11. CustomResourceDefinition
  12. ClusterRole
  13. ClusterRoleBinding
  14. Role
  15. RoleBinding
  16. Service
  17. DaemonSet
  18. Pod
  19. ReplicationController
  20. ReplicaSet
  21. Deployment
  22. DeploymentConfig
  23. StatefulSet
  24. Job
  25. CronJob
  26. Ingress
  27. APIService
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Harness AIDA Chatbot

AI Development Assistant

Today, March 15, 6:54pm

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